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Sister of Mine

Mariusz Rusiński
Moja siostra
Poland 2023 / 29’
subtitles: English
Nothing About You Scares Me The Mandala

Sometimes I envy people who don't have children, declares the main character's mother in the most poignant scene of the award-winning Sister of Mine. This statement is made amidst a peculiar domestic conflict involving Zuzia, a drug-addicted teenager, her older brother Mariusz (the film's director), and their parents. Despite the chaos of harsh words, desperate gestures, and shaky alliances, there is a glimmer of hope for peace talks. This hope is largely due to the presence of the camera, which becomes a tool for painful yet cleansing self-reflection for each of the characters.

Piotr Czerkawski


  • IDFA 2024 – Main Prize in Youth Documentary Competition
  • Febio Fest 2024 – Special Mention
  • ZagrebDox 2024 – Best Film in Teen Dox Competition
  • 2024 – Best Documentary in Polish-Czech Competition
Shown in Shortlist set 1 with:

Online availability

18 Jul, 12:00 – 4 Aug


Sa 20 Jul, 12:45 knh 5
Filmmakers Q&A
Su 21 Jul, 10:00 knh 5
Th 25 Jul, 10:00 dcf la
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Mariusz Rusiński

Mariusz Rusiński is a graduate of the Wajda Film School and screenwriting at the Łódź Film School, where he is currently studying directing. His debut film Julia at the Seaside premiered at the 60th Krakow Film Festival and was nominated for the Jan Machulski Award for Best Documentary.

Selected filmography

2020 Julia nad morzem / Julia at the Seaside (short)

2024 Moja siostra / Sister of Mine (short)


director Mariusz Rusiński
screenplay Mariusz Rusiński
cinematography Mateusz Hernik
editing Jakub Kopeć
music Jan Duszyński
producer Jerzy Kapuściński, Ewa Jastrzębska
production Studio Munka
sales Studio Munka SFP
language Polish
colouration colour

Sister of Mine

Mariusz Rusiński

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