
Natural Light

Dénes Nagy
Természetes fény
Hungary, Latvia, France, Germany 2021 / 103’
Luzzu Pebbles

Dénes Nagy walking away with the Silver Bear for Best Director at this year's Berlinale was a surprise, even despite the good streak of Hungarian films at international festivals maintained by the likes of Kornél Mundruczó, Ildikó Enyedi and László Nemes. While being slightly less known and experienced, in Natural Light, an adaptation of Pál Závada's novel of the same title, however, the director shows great maturity and formal discipline. Nagy’s full-length debut, immersed in a gloomy, fatalistic aura, is set during WW II in the Soviet Union. The director focuses on a topic rarely seen in cinema - the involvement of Hungarian soldiers in the occupation of Soviet villages. The central figure is officer István Semetka, who, after the unexpected death of a commander, has to take his place and lead the decimated unit to rendez-vous with the main force. The film stands out not only for its dazzling, naturalistic cinematography by Tamás Dobos, which brings out a rare kind of beauty from a winter landscape drowning in mud, but also the excellent, subdued role of Ferenc Szabó, who shows the hero's moral dilemmas with great sensitivity. Nagy's film also echoes Alexei German's outstanding Trial on the Road.

Wojciech Tutaj


Berlin IFF 2021 – Best Director; Fajr FF 2021 - Best Film

Dénes Nagy

Dénes Nagy (b. 1980) is Hungarian director and screenwriter. He is a graduate of the University of Theater and Film Arts in Budapest and, in 2012, he participated in the Berlinale Talents program. Nagy’s short films have been screened at several international festivals, and Soft Rain screened at the Cannes section of Quinzaine des Réalisateurs in 2013. He has also made a number of documentaries, including Another Hungary shown in Rotterdam. Natural Light is the artist's full-length debut, awarded the Silver Bear for Best Director at this year's Berlinale.

Selected filmography

2009 Berlinskaya fuga (short doc.)

2013 Lágy eső / Soft Rain (short)

2013 Másik Magyarország / Another Hungary (doc.)

2015 Seb / Harm (doc.)

2020 W świetle dnia / Természetes fény / Natural Light


director Dénes Nagy
screenplay Dénes Nagy
cinematography Tamás Dobos
editing Nicolas Rumpl
music Santa Ratniece
cast Ferenc Szabó, Tamás Garbacz, László Bajkó, Gyula Franczia, Ernő Stuhl, Gyula Szilágyi
producer Sára László, Marcell Gerő
production Campfilm
Polish distributor Aurora Films
language Hungarian, Russian

Natural Light

Dénes Nagy

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