Releases 2023

No Bears

Jafar Panahi
Khers nist
Iran 2022 / 106’
Release date: 1 December 2023
Night of the Kings Notturno

Jafar Panahi, the indefatigable filmmaker, never loses his vigor and continues his guerrilla warfare against the Iranian regime. Navigating the familiar borderlands between fiction and documentary, he spares no one, not even his own environment or himself. In No Bears, Panahi reveals how, from the perspective of the Iranian provinces, isolated from his crew and communicating with them solely through the internet (as the director is still formally banned from making films), he oversees the production of a new project. Panahi tries to put on a brave face and endure discomfort, believing that by staying away from Tehran, he can seek refuge from the watchful eye of authority. However, the artist's wishful thinking succumbs to the harsh realities, and the atmosphere surrounding his politically engaged melodrama grows increasingly tense. The titular bears serve as the immediate source of tension, but it is the ideological disputes, in which Panahi himself becomes entangled, that prove far more dangerous. The intensity of these experiences significantly impacts the director, who poses the question of whether fiction can still help us come to terms with an increasingly terrifying reality.


  • Venice IFF 2022 – Special Jury Prize
  • Chicago IFF 2022 – Award for Cinematic Bravery
Release date: 1 December 2023

Jafar Panahi

Jafar Panahi was born in 1960 in Iran. He is one of the most award-winning directors of the Iranian New Wave. His career began with assisting Abbas Kiarostami. After producing a few documentaries, in 1995 he made The White Balloon, which was awarded the Golden Camera at the Cannes Festival. Later he produced The Mirror, awarded the Golden Leopard at the Locarno Festival in 1997, and The Circle, and awarded the Golden Lion at the Venice Festival in 2000. In March 2010, Panahi was arrested by the secret service of the Iranian regime due to his political engagement. He was admittedly released, but he is saddled with the 20-year ban on creative work.

Selected filmography

1988 Yaarali bashlar (short, doc.)

1995 Biały balonik / Badkonake seid / The White Balloon

1997 Lustro / Ayneh / The Mirror

2000 Krąg / Dayereh / The Circle

2006 Na spalonym / Offside

2010 To nie film / In film nist / This Is Not a Film

2015 Taxi-Teheran 


director Jafar Panahi
screenplay Jafar Panahi
cinematography Amin Jafari
editing Amir Etminan
cast Jafar Panahi, Naser Hashemi, Vahid Mobasheri, Bakhtiyar Panjeei, Mina Kavani
producer Jafar Panahi, Nader Saeivar, Sinan Yusufoglu
production JP Production
Polish distributor Stowarzyszenie Nowe Horyzonty
language Persian, Azerbaijani