
Anna Błaszczyk
Poland 2008 / 7’

Square-like Astronaut returns after hundreds of years spent in cosmic space. Many things are so different now, yet some seem to stay the same.

Anna Błaszczyk was born in 1981 in Łódź. In 2006 finished studies at Faculty of Cinematography - department - Animation at Polish National Film Theater and Television School in Łódź. Apart from filmmmaking also author of graphic novels and book illustrations.


2001 Książkomysł (kr.m. / short)

2002 Number (kr.m. / short)

2003 Wonderful State of Sunflower Huskers (kr.m. / short)

2006 Caracas (kr.m. / short)

2008 Powrót / Return (kr.m. / short, anim.)


director: Anna Błaszczyk
screenplay: Anna Błaszczyk
music: Kaspar Jancis
producer: Zbigniew Żmudzki
production: Produkcja Filmowa Semafor
language: no dialogue