
The Fabulous World of Jules Verne

Karel Zeman
Vynález zkázy
Czechoslovakia 1958 / 83’

Based on Jules Verne’s For the Flag, the story of how a demonic millionaire wants to conquer the world with the aid of a superweapon is, for the director, the starting point for the creation of a great atlas of steampunk. We can see here both wonders of technology and wonders of nature. Balloons soar up into the clouds, submarines wander the oceans, massive machines of war raise their barrels, winches and chains are everywhere. The sun shines on the horizon, waves beat against the rocky shore, volcanoes spit smoke into the sky, and the depths of the sea teem with life. Scene after scene is styled after the classic illustrations in Verne’s books: black-and-white and full of strokes. This ostentatiously artificial yet living world was created with the help of just about every trick and effect that had been invented during the first sixty years of the existence of cinema. Among other things, The Fabulous World of Jules Verne makes use of double exposures, miniatures, and marionettes, as well as scenes involving a combination of live actors and sketched, stop-motion, and cutout animation.

Piotr Mirski

Karel Zeman

(1910-1989), known as the "Czech Méliès," was well known for combining live action and animation. He studied advertising in France, and he first worked as an animator in the advertising industry. In the 1940s, he was an assistant to Hermína Týrlova, the "mother of Czech animation." A series of animations that he made about a character called Mr. Prokouk between 1946 and 1955 made him famous. He later made such films as The Fabulous World of Jules Verne and Baron Prásil.


1958 Diabelski wynalazek / Vynález zkázy / The Fabulous World of Jules Verne

1962 Przygody Münchhausena / Baron Prásil / The Fabulous Baron Munchausen

1964 Dwaj muszkieterowie / Bláznova kronika / The Jester's Tale

1967 Skradziony balon / Ukradená vzducholoď / The Stolen Airship



director Karel Zeman
screenplay František Hrubín, Karel Zeman
cinematography Antonín Horák, Bohuslav Pikhart, Jirí Tarantík
editing Zdenek Stehlík
music Zdenek Liska
cast Lubor Tokos, Arnost Navrátil, Miroslav Holub, Frantisek Slégr
producer Zdenek Novák
production Ceskoslovenský Státní Film, Filmové Studio Gottwaldov
sales Czech Film Archives
language Czech
colouration b&w