
Fred Kelemen
Latvia, Germany 2005 / 90’
Nightfall Sarajevo Songs of Woe

This atmospheric, suspenseful New Horizons film is a visual masterpiece. An unkempt, Slavic-looking archivist in a worn-out coat comes across a woman on a bridge one summer's night. She is about to jump—no doubt—but he just walks on by. Then he hears a splash. Her body is not found—it must have been a beautiful suicide. He returns to the bridge in daylight and reflects on what happened. Her goes to a nearby pub, where he claims to have been the woman's lover. He obtains the purse that she had left behind there, which contains a few important trinkets, and some unfinished letters that she had thrown in the garbage. They were written while she was sitting at the table and—just as he was at that very moment—drinking a Moskievskya vodka and quietly crying. He decides to follow her tracks. Will he fall in love with her? Will he find some lost meaning? The woman’s life is archived in black-and-white, expressionistically lit scenes in a Latvian city that has been seemingly buried alive and then exhumed from the grave, from the ashes and black earth. And all of this in search of forgiveness.

Agnieszka Szeffel


Lecce Festival of European Cinema 2005 - Best Cinematography, FIPRESCI Prize; Undine Awards, Austria 2006 - Best Young Supporting Actress (Ina Strnad)

Fred Kelemen

Fred Kelemen is a director, cinematographer, and producer. Born in 1964 in West Berlin, he studied painting, music, philosophy, religion, and theater. Before beginning his film studies (dffb) in Berlin in 1989, he worked as an assistant director at a number of theaters. He graduated from university with a diploma in Direction and Cinematography. His diploma film, Fate, received a German Film Award in 1995. He has worked as a cinematographer in collaboration with a number of directors, including Joseph Pitchhadze, Béla Tarr, Rudolf Thome, and Gariné Torossian. Since 2000, has directed several theater productions in Germany. He conducts workshops and gives lectures at universities around the world.


1993 Kalyi - czas mroku / Kalyi - Zeit der finsternis / Kalyi - Age of Darkness

1994 Przeznaczenie / Verhängnis / Fate

1997 Mróz / Frost

1999 Zmierzch / Abendland / Nightfall

2005 Upadek / Krisana / Fallen

2016 Sarajewa pieśni o nieszczęściu / Sarajevo Songs of Woe


director Fred Kelemen
screenplay Fred Kelemen
cinematography Fred Kelemen
editing Klaus Charbonnier, Fred Kelemen, Franka Pohl
music Ramachandra Borcar
cast Egons Dombrovskis, Nikolay Korobov, Vigo Roga, Aija Dzerve
producer Fred Kelemen
production Kino Kombat, Screen Vision
sales Deutsche Kinemathek
language Russian, Latvian
colouration b&w