
Justyna Mytnik
Poland 2018 / 18’
Eye of God Horse Riders

Fascinatrix is a musical about a fugitive out for revenge who dresses up as a witch hunter and arrives at the Castle of the Inquisition.

Magdalena Sztorc


Festiwal Spektrum 2018 - Main Prize

Justyna Mytnik

Justyna Mytnik studied directing at the Łódź Film School. She has an MA in art history and English literature from the University of Edinburgh. In Scotland, she was involved in theater, she was the artistic director of the Short Sweet Shock festival, and her play Defunct Pig was staged at Summerhall and at the Fringe Festival. Her films have been screened at numerous international festivals, including Clermont-Ferrand, Rio de Janeiro and POFF.


2013 Przepływy (short)

2015 Cokolwiek się zdarzy, kocham Cię (short)

2015 #szczęście #chwilowailuzja (short, doc.)

2017 Jak zostać papieżem? (short, doc.)

2018 Fascinatrix (short)


director Justyna Mytnik
screenplay Justyna Mytnik
cinematography Maciej Twardowski
editing Magdalena Chowańska
music Paweł Lucewicz
cast Joanna Drozda, Maciej Musiałowski, Sebastian Łach
producer Marcin Malatyński
production PWSFTViT
sales PWSFTViT
language Polish