
The Actress, the Dollars and the Transylvanians

Mircea Veroiu
Artista, dolarii şi Ardelenii
Romania 1981 / 97’
Eastern Bloc Hits

This, part two of the popular Romanian Red Western ‘Transylvanian trilogy’, came out of the productive 1970s marked by a new freedom in subject matter, as the Western became a new genre in national film production.

The 1970s were an extremely creative period for Romanian cinema, when a new generation of young filmmakers came to the fore. They infused an outmoded industry that used Soviet film classics as models with new spirit. At the outset of the decade, they also benefited from a slight political thaw.

The Actress, the Dollars and the Transylvanians is the second part of a trilogy that began with The Prophet, the Gold and the Transylvanians (1977) by Dan Piţa, who also directed the third part – The Oil, the Baby and the Transylvanians (1980).

The trilogy combined the iconography specific to the American Western with topics imposed by the domestic film industry: duty to the homeland, defusing ethnic conflicts, and the bad influence of religious beliefs. The film is about two brothers who go to America to persuade another brother to return to Romania.

Cristina Corciovescu / Rotterdam IFF

Mircea Veroiu

Born in 1941, died in 1997, in Romania. Romanian actor, scriptwriter and director, Veroiu received a prize for his film Adela (1984) and settled in Paris. After the 1989 revolution, he returned to Romania and directed four more films.

Selected filmography

1968 Cercul

1972 Kamienny ślub / Nunta de piatră / The Stone Wedding (co-dir.)

1979 Aktorka, dolary i Siedmiogrodzianie / Artista, dolarii şi Ardelenii / The Actress, the Dollars and the Transylvanians

1985 Adela

1997 Femeia în roşu



director Mircea Veroiu
screenplay Titus Popovici
cinematography Călin Ghibu
editing Yolanda Mintulescu
music Adrian Enescu
cast Ilarion Ciobanu, Ovidiu Iuliu Moldovan, Mircea Diaconu, Rodica Tapalagă, Mircea Albulescu
producer Nicolae Mitican
production Casa de Filme Trei, Centrului de Producţie Cinematografică Bucureşti
sales Romanian National Film Archive
language English, Romanian