
Polish Days 2020 Awards

Balcony Movie. Step into My Frame, dir. Paweł Łoziński
Memories of the 13th edition of A Sunday in the Country

Polish Days – the most important industry event of New Horizons IFF, co-organized by the Polish Film Institute and The Ministry of Culture and National Heritage has just ended.

Over 170 guests from Poland and abroad watched the latest Polish projects in all stages of production, including completed films and fragments of films in postproduction as well as took part in presentations of projects in development online. The best projects were awarded.

Screen International’s Best Pitch Award, which includes the coverage of the lifecycle of the winning project in the Works in Progress showcase, went to Prime Time directed by Jakub Piątek (production: Watchout Studio). Screen International will follow the winning film throughout its production and release phases.7

Balcony Movie. Step into My Frame directed by Paweł Łoziński (Łoziński Production) won Coloroffon Film Postproduction Award (which is covering 50% of postproduction costs worth up to 30.000 PLN, excluding VFX costs).

No Problemo Music decided to award two projects: Balcony Movie. Step into My Frame directed by Paweł Łoziński and Fears by Łukasz Ronduda (produced by Serce) with unlimited access to music catalogue.

Polish Film Institute Scholarship worth 35.000 PLN for a producer to participate with a project at the EAVE 2021 Producers Workshop was awarded to Anna Stylińska from Harine Films. The award founded by Polish Film Institute covers the full cost of the participation in the workshop programme.

Polish Days is co-organized by the Polish Film Institute and The Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. Event partners are EAVE, Screen International, Coloroffon, No Problemo Music, Wrocław Film Commission, Mazovia Warsaw Film Commission, Łodź Film Commission, Podkarpackie Film Commission, DI Factory.

Media partners include Film Pro, Film New Europe and Film & TV Kamera.

Congratulations to all the filmmakers!


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