Portrait of Suzanne

Izabela Plucińska
Portret Suzanne
Poland 2019 / 14’
Off-Season Problem

A small hotel. Inside is a man hungry for love. When he goes to town in search of something to eat, he accidentally injures his left foot, which is transformed into Suzanne, his long-lost flame. Now they can be inseparable ... This, however, is just the beginning of this surreal tale—a grotesque claymation adaptation of a short story by Roland Topor, in which every detail is enchanting.

Magdalena Sztorc

Izabela Plucińska

A director of animated films, Izabela Plucińska was born in Poland and currently lives in Germany. She is a graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź, and she also studied film animation in the Direction of Photography and TV Production Department at the Łódź Film School, where she obtained a PhD in animated film. She specializes in claymation. She current teaches at the Academy of Art in Szczecin, while also running her own production company, Clay Traces. Her latest film, Portrait of Suzanne, is based on a short story by Roland Topor.


2009 Esterhazy (short)

2012 Afternoon (short)

2015 Sexy Laundry (short)

2019 Portert Suzanne / Portrait of Suzanne (short)


director Izabela Plucińska
screenplay Izabela Plucińska
editing Izabela Plucińska, Nora Bertone
music Arfaaz Kagalwala
cast Christine Haupt, Jean-Laurent Csinidis, Izabela Plucińska, Robert Kern, Paulina Ratajczak
production Clay Traces GbR, Films de Force Majeure, Fundacja Las Sztuki
sales KFF Sales and Promotion
language French