Time of Big Changes

Marek Skrzecz
Czas dużych przemian
Poland 2013 / 5’

A music video featuring a joint effort by two of the stars of Polish hip-hop, O.S.T.R and Hades. Marek Skrzecz travels to the small town of Głuchołazy in order to film members of the local amateur wrestling federation in action. A group of young men practice their skills and prepare for the Time of Big Changes of the title. The protagonists know perfectly well that they will face a struggle for survival as adults not long after they leave the ring.

Piotr Czerkawski


Yach Film Festiwal 2013 – Best Director of Music Video

Marek Skrzecz

Skrzecz is an editor, special-effects expert, and music-video director. He has worked on the production of such films as Abu Haraz and Cudze listy (Other People’s Letters), by Maciej Drygas, as well as Black Thursday, by Antoni Krauze. The music video for Time of Big Changes is meant to be a trailer for a bigger project about wrestling and a group of young people entering adulthood.


2013 Czas dużych przemian / Time of Big Changes (short)


director Marek Skrzecz
screenplay Marek Skrzecz
cinematography Damian Kocur
editing Maciej Bruno Sosnowski
cast Tomasz Wiśniowski, Michał Łodziana, Marcin Mańkiewicz
producer Marek Skrzecz
sales Marek Skrzecz
language Polish