Set Olo Sroczyński 2


2013 A Space Odyssey

Poland 1985 / 14’

director:Alexander Sroczyński
screenplay:Alexander Sroczyński, Marek Wilczyński
visual design:Alexander Sroczyński
cinematography:Janusz Paszek
music:Marek Wilczyński
cast:Stanisław Stobiecki
production:Studio Filmów Animowanych w Krakowie
source of print:Filmoteka Narodowa

Pastiche of the famous film by Stanley Kubrick 2001: Space Odyssey. A lumberman, who is waiting in a hall at a hospital, learns that a child was born. On his way home, he meets a strange object...

Fourth Channel

Poland 1983 / 4’

director:Alexander Sroczyński
screenplay:Alexander Sroczyński
visual design:Alexander Sroczyński
cinematography:Marek Wylon
music:Krzysztof Suchodolski
production:Studio Filmów Animowanych w Krakowie
source of print:Filmoteka Narodowa

A criss-cross joking, showing the adverse influence of TV on the human body. A TV viewer turns his set on, but the image is distorted. He tries to regulate the TV set, but he doesn't expect what will happen.

Ghost Transatlantic

Poland 1985 / 7’

director:Alexander Sroczyński
screenplay:Alexander Sroczyński, Marek Wilczyński
visual design:Alexander Sroczyński
cinematography:Janusz Paszek
cast:Alexander Sroczyński
production:Studio Filmów Animowanych w Krakowie
source of print:Filmoteka Narodowa

An impression about a huge ship where strange things happen when evil spirits intervene. The film also displays the artist's production technique.


Poland 1984 / 18’

director:Alexander Sroczyński
screenplay:Alexander Sroczyński
visual design:Alexander Sroczyński
cinematography:Andrzej Jeziorek
music:Marek Wilczyński
cast:Krzysztof Jędrysek, Grażyna Kopytowska, Róża Kurtok, Andrzej Celiński, Mariusz Czarnecki, Marek Wilczyński
production:Studio Filmów Animowanych w Krakowie
source of print:Filmoteka Narodowa

A feature film with animated elements. A patient from an asylum keeps fighting the medical staff and his own sick imagination as well. He tries to escape, but he discovers that this happened only in his imagination.

Not a Word! Not a Sound! Starring Audrey Hepburn

Poland 1984 / 7’

director:Alexander Sroczyński
screenplay:Alexander Sroczyński, Marek Wilczyński
visual design:Alexander Sroczyński
cinematography:Marek Norek
music:Marek Wilczyński
production:Studio Filmów Animowanych w Krakowie
source of print:Filmoteka Narodowa

An insomniac tries various methods to fall asleep. When he counts sheep, suddenly in the morning he and his wife wake up transformed into... sheep.

The First Aid Kit

Poland 1983 / 10’

director:Alexander Sroczyński
screenplay:Alexander Sroczyński
visual design:Alexander Sroczyński
cinematography:Tomasz Wolf
music:Alexander Sroczyński
production:Studio Filmów Animowanych w Krakowie
source of print:Filmoteka Narodowa
awards:OKAFA Kraków 1985 - wyróżnienie honorowe / Special Mension

Horror film. An elderly man tries to cross a busy street. Unfortunately a car knocks him down and then a tram speeds over him. With effort he crawls up to a flat on the seventh floor of a nearby building, where there is a solid surprise waiting for him.

Unexpected Visit or... a Road to a Neighbour’s House

Poland 1984 / 9’

director:Alexander Sroczyński
screenplay:Alexander Sroczyński
visual design:Alexander Sroczyński
cinematography:Marek Norek
music:Krzysztof Suchodolski
production:Studio Filmów Animowanych w Krakowie
source of print:Filmoteka Narodowa

A film from an international series inspired by the slogan of the festival in Oberhausen: Weg zum Nachbarn or... A Road to a Neighbour's House. A spacecraft lands on earth. At the beginning people are rather surprised by its passengers, but when they drink a beer together, the ice is broken...

With a Light

Poland 1986 / 11’

director:Alexander Sroczyński, Janusz Paszek
screenplay:Alexander Sroczyński, Janusz Paszek
visual design:Alexander Sroczyński, Janusz Paszek
cinematography:Janusz Paszek
music:Marek Wilczyński
production:Studio Filmów Animowanych w Krakowie
source of print:Filmoteka Narodowa

A pastiche of the American underground of the 1960s. Playing with lights, colours and sounds. Smart use of light changes different things into new, original visual forms.

Aleksander Sroczyński, born on 19.03.1953 in Poznań, is a screen-writer, visual designer and director of animated films, artist and illustrator. He graduated in 1981 from the Department of Graphic Arts at the Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow where he had studied at the Film Drawing Lab. He also completed a Post-graduate Study in Animated and Experimental Film Direction at the National Film, Television & Theatre School in Łódź (1983). He illustrates books and draws satirical pictures, collaborating with various magazines, including: Karuzela, Szpilki, Lui, Harakiri, Mensuel Charlie, and Playboy. Initially, he worked at the Cartoon Studio in Bielsko-Biala, and from 1981 at the Animated Films Studio in Cracow. He created an animation technique he himself calls "grease picture" (characters and objects move on a background, which is initially varnished and then covered with Vaseline; thus the cut-out figures may move easily on the background, which allows for a very fast speed). He successfully combines commercial art with authorial ambitions. His films are a collage of intelligence, imagination and humour; he ennobles gags and pure nonsense humour. He believes in the immeasurable potential of animation. He received an honourable award at the 2nd Polish Competition of Original Animated Film in Cracow (1983) for the film More than the Grass Grow, a Bronze Hobby-Horse of Cracow for animated films at the 23rd Cracow Film Festival (1983), a Silver Plaque at the 19th International Film Festival in Chicago (1983) and a FICC Award at the 30th International Short Film Festival in Oberhausen (1984) for the Animated Film, an honourable award at the 3rd Polish Competition of Original Animated Film in Cracow (1985) for The First Aid Kit, a Bronze Hobby-Horse of Cracow at the 28th Cracow Film Festival (1988) for No more war!, a Grand Prix - Golden Deer at the One-Minute-Long Film Festival Mini-Max in Sosnowiec in 1988 for a set of films - Vice Versa, No more war!, 7:30 p.m., Fishing (1988). and an honourable award at the 6th Festival of Young Polish Cinema '88 in Gdańsk in 1989. Since 1989 he has been living and working in the United States. He illustrates books (including making drawings for children's books written by Whoopi Goldberg), designs covers for music albums, makes press drawings and participates in the production of animated films and series. Rafał Mierzejewski made a film about him, entitled Olo in New York (1994) and one episode of Jerzy Armata's series Anima (2000) described Sroczyński as well.

Filmography (as a director):

1981 W trawie nie tylko piszczy... / More Than the Grass Grow (kr.m./short)

1982 Połów/ Fishing (kr.m./short)

1982 19.30 / 7.30 p. m. (kr.m./short)

1982 Film animowany / The Animated Film (kr.m./short)

1983 Adam i Ewa / Adam and Eve (kr.m./short)

1983 Wilhelm Tell (kr.m./short)

1983 NGC (kr.m./short)

1983 Vice versa / Vice Versa (kr.m./short)

1983 Apteczka pierwszej pomocy / The First Aid Kit (kr.m./short)

1983 Czwarty kanał / Fourth Channel (kr.m./short)

1984 Ani be!... ani me!... z udziałem Audrey Hepburn / Not a Word! Not a Sound! Starring Audrey Hepburn (kr.m./short)

1984 Nostalgia / Nostalgy (kr.m./short)

1984 Niespodziewane odwiedziny, czyli... droga do sąsiada / Unexpected Visit or... a Road to a Neighbour's House (kr.m./short)

1985 Ogólnopolski Konkurs Autorskiego Filmu Animowanego w Krakowie / Polish Competition of Original Animated Film in Cracow (kr.m./short)

1985 Transatlantyk widmo / Ghost Transatlantic (kr.m./short)

1985 2013 Odyseja kosmiczna / 2013 A Space Odyssey (kr.m./short)

1986 Szampon Bari / Bari Shampoo (kr.m./short)

1986 With a Light (współreż. / co-dir., kr.m./short)

1987 Dziwne zdarzenie na przystanku autobusowym o piątej rano w miejscowości X / A Strange Event at a Bus Stop in X at 5 o'clock a.m. (kr.m./short)

1987 I love Feratunos, czyli smak krwi / I Love Feratunos, or the Taste of Blood (kr.m./short)

1987 Nigdy więcej wojny! / No More War! (kr.m./short)

1987 O czym marzą koty / What Cats Dream of (kr.m./short)

1988 Meduza / Jelly Fish (kr.m./short)

1988 Psy / Dogs (kr.m./short)